Thursday, October 18, 2012

Monday. The Day I Sobbed Like a Baby.

This day sucked.  Just sucked.  I couldn't sleep the night before, my dreams were filled with dogs in wheelchairs and drag bags.

So I was less than bright eyed and bushy tailed when I walked into work Monday morning.  In an office of under 20 employees, it's hard to keep secrets.  Mostly everyone gave me a wide berth and let me spend the day silently tearing up at my computer.  Some knew what was going on and others could only speculate.  I couldn't speak to anyone.  I was waiting for a phone call that was pretty much guaranteed to be bad news and my stomach was in knots.  Really, it felt like I had been punched in the face.

Dr Prata, from VERG, finally called around 1:45pm to tell me the results of Roo's MRI.  He explained that she had a herniated disc in her spine.  The disc hit her spinal cord abruptly causing swelling, bruising and bleeding.  Based on his 43 years experience, her chances of having use of her legs again were slim.  I'm not even sure what I said at that point. I think it was, "ok, ok, ok" without fully understanding what that meant.  The only thing I heard was, "Do you want to proceed with the surgery?".  I didn't have to think about that, my answer was always yes.  How could I not give her every chance possible?  My only responsibility is to take care of her and in return I receive unconditional love.

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