What are they feeding these dogs at the animal hospital? Rancid elephant sweat with a dash of dirty diaper? My post
was going to start off with how nervous I was to pick Rooster up from the vet and how I'm afraid I'm going to break her already fragile spine. Instead I'm plastered to the side of my couch as far away possible from this anal air bomber, talking about dog flatulence. Ok, I'm done (her butt is barking). Ok, now I'm REALLY done. Roo is home!
We picked her up this afternoon from VERG in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. The nurse came out and went over Roo's home care, exercises,
physical therapy, and told us to call back in a week for a check up. I still haven't met the elusive Dr Prata and his constant midday surgeries seem a little too convenient for my liking (looks like someone doesn't like being wrong, she's gonna walk again damnit!). When we were ready to say goodbye to VERG, the vet tech "walked" Little Rooster out, holding her back legs up in a sling. Cue the inspirational music and slow motion action shot while I rise to greet her. Now insert a
screeching halt sfx and zoom in on my horrified expression. Roo gave me a quick glance and immediately tried to barrel and growl her way over to a battered poodle, who was apparently using his only good eye to give Roo a, "You Wanna Start Something, Yeah I Called Your Mom a Bitch", dirty look. My dog is paralyzed and
still a total badass. The doggy turf war (which left the poodle shaking behind his owner's legs) tuckered my princess out and she slept like a rock in the cab ride home.
When we arrived at our door step, we decided to see if she had to go the to the bathroom. Better to find out now, before I carried all 32 lbs of her, "big is beautiful" self up the 2 flights of stairs to the apartment. Within 5 minutes of awkwardly sling walking around
The Williamsburg Houses' front yard, she peed and pooped all on her own! Our celebration was toned down due to the fact that we didn't have any doggy bags in our pockets. We whispered "Hurray!", looked around like nothing happened, picked Roo up and ran away.
She seems in good spirits and it's clear she was ready to come home. As soon as her gaze fell on her freshly laundered dog bed, she tried to dive out of my arms into it. Once she settled herself in and was convinced that the bed still smelled like her, she allowed us:
To play tug with her favorite toy for awhile.
To feed her lunch and give her water.
She was even able to stand on her own (with a little help!) for a few seconds.
All in all, GREAT DAY!